
You are seeing this email because your email address, 3ma1lp0st@stann1905.com, has been identified as currently using email hostnames that are no longer supported and are being phased out.

Moving forward, any email clients, applications, etc., that are still using those hostnames will no longer be able to send and receive emails. Those deprecated hostnames will no longer work. Please update your email clients to use the current hostnames, listed below:

For IMAP connections, use: imap.dreamhost.com, port 993
For POP3 connections, use: pop.dreamhost.com, port 995

smtp.dreamhost.com, port 465

If you need more detailed guides, you can refer to the Knowledge Base articles below:

Additionally, in the coming weeks, we will be intermittently disabling these deprecated email hostnames for several hours. The goal is to get the attention of anyone who has not seen these notifications and reduce the number of people who end up with their client fully nonfunctional after we complete the deprecation process. As the final date approaches, we will also have a status post on https://www.dreamhoststatus.com/ to try and bring attention to those who may have missed or disregarded this email by mistake.

If you have any questions about this, please reach out to the account holder of this DreamHost Account. If you are the account holder for the DreamHost account on which this email address is hosted, please reach out to DreamHost Support.

-The Happy DreamHost Modernization Crew